Sunday, May 23, 2010

Good Day at the Ballfield

My son had a good day yesterday! I took him to see his friends' baseball games in Baton Rouge. This was the first time to make it to one of their games, so B. was excited. (He loves playing ball in the yard, but before yesterday, he had not been to an organized game.)

When we arrived at the first game (B.'s own age group)... by the way, we were late thanks to my spending too much time with Mr. Weedeater... we discovered that his friend's team was short a couple of players. Before we knew what was going on, they were asking B. if he wanted to play. Wow! He grabbed a glove and headed to left field. The excitement didn't end there. He was even able to have an at-bat. He hit a hard shot right at the first baseman for a put-out. Thankfully he was able to run all of the bases anyway. That's what every 6-year-old dreams about.It was so much fun watching him enjoy the game. It looks like he'll be asking to play next year!
[picture above: B. (left) with his friend G.]

1 comment:

  1. So glad he has that special memory with my boys. I could see how proud he was. With a little work he could be quite a slugger. Just don't tell his mother. Shhhhhh. :)


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